Squad member in fire alarm fiasco takes heat from within his...

George Latimer, Westchester County, New York’s executive, officially launched his Democratic primary challenge against left-wing "Squad" member Rep. Jamaal Bowman.  "These are difficult times. New...

Kevin McCarthy to resign from Congress after being ousted as House...

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., announced Wednesday that he will resign from his congressional seat after being ousted as House Speaker.  McCarthy made the announcement in...

RNC Chair McDaniel defends GOP’s incredible shrinking field of 2024 presidential...

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. - As Republicans gather Wednesday for the fourth GOP presidential nomination debate, only four candidates will be on the stage. It's the smallest...

Boston City Council considers immigrant voting proposal to allow noncitizens to...

The self-proclaimed sanctuary city of Boston is considering a resolution that would allow immigrants with "legal status" to vote in local elections – a...

DOJ charges 4 Russian fighters with committing war crimes against US...

The Justice Department is charging four Russian fighters with committing war crimes against a U.S. national.  U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the "Justice Department...

White House interns rebel against Biden with pro-Palestinian letter demanding cease-fire

Dozens of White House interns have signed a letter to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris demanding a "permanent cease-fire" in the Gaza...