In a shocking disregard for the principles that form the bedrock of our great nation, California’s Democrat Governor, Gavin Newsom, has taken a dangerous step into the abyss of radical leftism by appointing Laphonza Butler to the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by the passing of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). Sadly, Butler is not just your average Democrat. She serves as the president of the extremist group, EMILY’s List- a political action committee infamous for championing pro-abortion activists into political offices countrywide.

While the passing of Sen. Feinstein at 90 created a vacancy in California’s Senate seat, Newsom’s reckless selection doesn’t symbolize progress. It represents a trip further down the leftist rabbit hole, motivating the MAGA faithful to rally against this radical disruption of America’s heartland values.

Shockingly, according to Politico, Newsom handpicked Butler “without putting limitations or preconditions on his pick running for the seat in 2024.” This decision has paved the way for Butler to throw her hat into an already packed ring, including far-left contenders Reps. Katie Porter, Adam Schiff, and Barbara Lee for the party’s nomination in 2024.

Butler’s appointment was celebrated by some left-leaning journalists as a victory for diversity, hailing her as a black, openly lesbian Senator. A fact-check digs deeper into the matter, revealing a murky reality — Butler apparently lists her state of residence as Maryland, not California. FEC filings show Butler’s residence as Silver Springs, Maryland as recently as 31 days ago. The soon-to-be California Senator hasn’t even been a resident of the state for over two years. It seems EMILY’s List is already attempting to scrub off Butler’s Maryland connections from their website, erasing any reference to her residence previously listed in Maryland.

But this swift attempt at whitewashing doesn’t change the clear-cut reality. Butler’s appointment isn’t a symbol of diversity — it’s a blatant undercutting of democratic procedure, an appointment of a Maryland resident into a California Senate seat.

Furthermore, what this appointment truly signifies is the further veering of America’s political discourses towards radical progressivism, led by figures like Butler, whom EMILY’s List hails as champions for a future where the sanctity of life is rejected.

Patriots, this is an alarming moment in our great nation’s history. With each passing day, the radical left reaches deeper into the pockets of Marxist ideologies and uses their positions of power to impose a dangerous agenda onto our traditional American values. It’s time for us to take a stand, to counter the onslaught of radical leftism with a steady showcase of unity, patriotism, and love for our great nation.

It’s time for the MAGA movement to rally our strength, amplify our voices, counteract the radical left’s propaganda, and fight for a return to America’s core values. Let’s rise and meet this threat with the force of unity and patriotic resolve.

United we stand, and united we shall overcome. Let the legacy of our great nation not be marred by blatant Marxism and radical leftism, but instead, be celebrated as a beacon of freedom, justice, and democracy. God Bless America.

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