In a twist that should surprise nobody but the wilfully blind, James Biden, brother to our current President, just confirmed in a casual conversation with the FBI that the Biden Clan was in cahoots with CEFC China Energy Co....
September 11th, 2001 - a date that will forever be ingrained in our hearts and history. The day when our great nation, founded on the values of liberty, democracy and faith, faced an unprecedented assault on these very ideals. As...
From the administration of President Obama to incumbent President Biden, the American healthcare system has consistently taken a wrong turn. We have become more bloated, more inefficient, and less patient-centric, with an exorbitant price tag to boot. Instead of...
As the continent of Europe readies itself to roll out the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) visa approval system, the irony is not lost on those of us who remember the harsh criticism President Trump received when...


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