As the narrative surrounding climate change intensifies, the question at the front of everyone’s mind appears to be: What is the best car purchase I can make to help the environment? The answer, contrary to prevailing liberal chatter, might be simpler than you think. It does not necessarily involve purchasing the most hyped-up electric car, but rather investing in American-made vehicles. Why? Let’s delve deeper to understand.

Firstly, it’s crucial to debunk the misconception that electric vehicles (EVs) are the undisputed saviors of our environment. On the surface, EVs do decrease emissions; however, they are not entirely “clean” as their proponents argue. The process of manufacturing EV batteries requires large amounts of energy, often derived from fossil fuels. Plus, the environmental cost of mining raw materials for these batteries, such as lithium and cobalt, is substantial and often ignored. Not to mention the disposal of these batteries once they reach end-of-life. The recycling processes are still not nearly efficient enough to avoid significant environmental damage.

Furthermore, EVs are commonly charged using electricity from the grid, which, in many parts of the U.S., still relies heavily on non-green energy sources like coal or natural gas. Until renewable sources make up a larger portion of our national grid, claiming that EVs are entirely “green” is a distortion of reality.

President Biden’s policy to heavily subsidize EVs is ill-guided at best and hazardous at worst. It does not take into account the aforementioned facts and instead paints an overly simplified picture of EVs as the magic solution to our environmental woes.

This is not to say that EVs do not have a role to play in our future. They do. But the transition needs to be thoughtful, and paired with investments in renewable energy infrastructure, efficient recycling methods, and the reduction of our overall dependency on cars.

In contrast, purchasing American-made cars, regardless of whether they are electric or gas-powered, significantly contributes to our economy, especially at a time when we are grappling with an economic crisis sparked by the pandemic. It supports American jobs, stimulates local economies, and strengthens our nation’s industrial base. Production lines in America adhere to more stringent environmental regulations compared to other countries, ensuring sustainable manufacturing practices.

Promoting domestic manufacturing aligns better with conservative principles of supporting local businesses, enabling free markets, and minimizing governmental interference. Rather than shelling out tax dollars to subsidize unworkable technologies, government policy should focus on empowering American industries and workers.

To truly help the environment, various interlinked aspects need to be addressed, including car usage, fuel efficiency, disposal, and recycling of old cars, upgradation to cleaner fuel types, and most importantly, adherence to robust environmental regulations. That said, buying a car that is ‘Made in America’ is a smart, conservative, and environmentally-conscious decision.

So, what is the best car to purchase for the environment? One made right here in the U.S., of course! Let’s make American manufacturing robust again, and in the process, make our environment great again.

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