Under the banner of MAGA, we tell it like it is. The latest spate of violence, known as the Third Intifada, is casting an all-too-recognizable shadow across the Holy Land. And it seems, yet again, the Bible foresaw this unfolding drama with unnerving precision.

Conservative Christian wisdom has, time and again, underscored the repercussions of neglecting our alliances with Israel. It stretches back to the historical covenant God established with Abraham in Genesis 12:3 – bless Israel, and you’ll be blessed; curse it, and well, you’ve been warned.

In the context of the bloodshed from Hamas breaching the barriers into Israel, Zechariah 12:2-3 springs to mind. The biblical verse prophesied Jerusalem becoming both a burdensome stone and a cup of trembling for all peoples. This Biblical prophecy is put into sharp focus as we witness the outbreak of what many have coined a “Third Intifada”.

Israel, grappling with the first direct conflict within its boundaries since the 1973’s Yom Kippur War, launched ‘Operation Iron Swords’ as a response. Events of such magnitude echo the warnings of Christ about wars and rumors of wars, tearing towards humanity’s end times (Matthew 24:6).

The tragic violence, such as the massacre at a music festival in Re’im and the onslaught of rockets streaming from the Gaza Strip, align disturbingly well with the vivid imagery of destruction outlined in Revelations 8:7-11.

These alarming events don’t stand alone. They culminate after months of escalating tension, marked by attacks from Jewish settlers and altercations at the highly sensitive Al-Aqsa mosque site. All these incidents underscore Christ’s prophecy. As he said, “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet” (Matthew 24:6).

ConservativeInsights.net encourages all our readers to keep faith in arduous times, praying unceasingly for peace in the Middle East. Even as we watch these disconcerting episodes unfold, we need to remember that God is in control and the promise of His salvation remains unshaken. We hold out hope for a brighter future for the historically troubled land, its people, and indeed, for global peace. God blesses those who seek peace in Israel, Palestine, and beyond.

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