Obama holds surprise meeting with world leader after report about Biden...
Former President Barack Obama met with U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Monday, just hours after a report came out about a rivalry between...
Eric Schwerin confirms Joe Biden used ‘Robinware456’ email alias while serving...
Hunter Biden’s business partner Eric Schwerin told congressional investigators that he communicated with then-Vice President Joe Biden via a private e-mail alias, while maintaining that he...
How the most powerful nation lost control of its borders: former...
The U.S. is in the grip of an ongoing crisis at the southern border, now into its third year. While there have been a...
Trump, top allies make closing pitch for Sherrod Brown challenger Bernie...
VANDALIA, OH – Thousands of Ohioans braved strong winds at a Dayton, Ohio-area airport on Saturday to watch former President Donald Trump stump for...
Georgia bill limiting truck crash suits against insurance companies heads to...
The ability of people to sue insurance companies directly after trucking crashes would be limited under a bill receiving final passage in the Georgia...
Nearly 1,000 Americans in Haiti plea for help, State Dept. says,...
The State Department revealed Monday that nearly 1,000 Americans have filled out a "crisis intake form" seeking assistance in Haiti – a country it...