Yelp’s Abortion Bias: A Threat to American Values and the Sanctity...

Underneath the guise of flashy restaurant reviews and storefront recommendations lies Yelp's insidious and flagrantly biased agenda — a deep-seated favoritism toward Marxist, pro-abortion...

October 1st ‘Good Sunday’: A Renewed Call for Faith, Patriotism and...

As the dawn of this splendid October 1st Sunday Morning illuminates America, we can't help but feel the special Sunday vibes flowing abundantly across...

Inside the Shady Biden Family Business: How Deep Do the Ties...

In a twist that should surprise nobody but the wilfully blind, James Biden, brother to our current President, just confirmed in a casual conversation...

The Second GOP Debate: The Invisible Trump Wins

Lights, camera, action! Determined candidates, piercing questions, policy clashes, and strategic positioning all conspired to create the intense spectacle that was the second GOP...

Out in Full Force: Cyber Storms, Political Storms and the Way...

On, we bear the torch of truth, and no darkness — not even the blight entangled in the silicon sinews of cyber-attacks —...

From Intel Ops to Capitol Hill: Matt Shoemaker, the Future of...

Meet Matt Shoemaker, a name destined to be etched into the hearts of North Carolinians across the 13th district. He may very well be...