The nation of Israel has been thrown into surprise and chaos over the last several days as Hamas, the notorious terrorist organization, has launched one of their most audacious attacks to date on Israeli soil. This is a tragic and alarming reminder that the fight for Israel’s sovereignty is far from over.

Israeli citizens throughout the country were jarringly awakened on Saturday to the horrific sounds of rocket attacks and gunfire. Notably, this horrific attack came exactly 50 years after the Yom Kippur War – a poignant reminder that Israel is still under dire threat not from Arab armies, but from radical terrorist groups like Hamas, who seem to have no regard for human life.

As sirens wailed across southern and central Israel, images began to flood social media platforms of armed terrorists driving down the streets of an Israeli city, their white pick-up trucks reminiscent of scenes from war-torn countries in the Middle East. Residents watched as several gunmen exited the vehicles and started moving along the sidewalks, their weapons drawn and ready for a fight.

It was confirmed by the IDF that dozens of terrorists had infiltrated Israel – their strategies frighteningly varied. Some arrived by sea, others by land, while there were reports that some even used hang-gliders to infiltrate Israeli airspace. This blatant disregard for boundaries underscores the severity of the situation Israel finds itself in, facing threats from all fronts.

The trusted border fence that runs along the border with Gaza, deemed to be a secure barrier by the IDF, had been breached in several places. The implications of this development are terrifying, to say the least.

Tragically, there have been reports of fatalities triggered by this egregious attack, including a woman in her 70s who died from a rocket attack. Further casualties are expected to be reported, although censorship restrictions limit the immediate flow of specific information.

Disturbing footage coming in from various sources depicts the terror-filled reality faced by Israeli citizens, their streets under siege, their homeland infiltrated. Some brave citizens have risked their safety to document the terror unfolding in their neighborhoods – of terrorists roaming in and out of homes, gunfire echoing through once peaceful neighborhoods, and neighborhoods aflame in the ensuing chaos.

Israel now has to deal with the very real threat of its civilians, and possibly soldiers, being kidnapped and taken back to Gaza. Repeated reports from local media highlight the fact that Hamas gunmen are already present at IDF bases and positions.

Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, declared war in response to these intense attacks. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stated Hamas had made a ‘great mistake’ threatening Israel’s sovereignty with over 2,000 rocket launches.

But with these attacks still unfolding and the full extent of the infiltration yet to be fully understood, questions are arising – were Israel’s political and military hierarchies taken by surprise as Israel was preoccupied with internal arguments?

The aggression from Hamas once again has reminded the world about the importance of supporting a country that champions democratic values in a highly volatile region. Now more than ever, Israel needs the support of those who believe in freedom, democracy, and the rule of law.

As supporters of President Trump and of his undying commitment to Israel’s security, we urge the MAGA community to stand with Israel as they endure and push back against these horrific attacks. This is a fight for freedom, a fight against terror, a fight that must be won. We live in faith that our Israeli allies will overcome this horrifying chapter and will emerge stronger than ever before, for, as the bible says in Psalm 121:4, “See, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.”

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