A Minnesota iron foundry has been violating air emissions laws for at least five years, but the state agency responsible for enforcing air permits didn't take action against the company, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Wednesday. The Minnesota Pollution Control...
The Illinois Senate approved lifting a 36-year-old moratorium on new nuclear power installments on Wednesday in a plan proponents say will ensure the state can meet its carbon-free power production promise by 2045. The Senate's 44-7 endorsement opens the door...
The Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board narrowly voted Wednesday to recommend sparing the life of a man set to be executed later this month for what he claims were the self-defense killings of two men in Oklahoma City in...
It sometimes seems like Congress wrestles with a potential government shutdown every month these days. Such was the case just five weeks ago, under the leadership of a former House speaker, whose name may as well have been lost to...
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A Democratic group of governors led by Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer have joined national leaders in calling for an increase in funding for security at places of worship as concerns grow over threats against Jewish and...
EXCLUSIVE - Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is launching a $1 million ad buy in the critical states of Iowa and New Hampshire, calling out politicians on both sides of the aisle he says are "leading us into World...
Voters have approved a tax on mansions to pay for affordable housing initiatives in New Mexico's capital city of Santa Fe. Uncertified election results on Wednesday show that nearly three-fourths of ballots were cast in favor of the new tax...
Republicans on Long Island, New York, scored a historic victory on Tuesday night, solidifying gains they have made in the area and providing a small bright spot in an otherwise disappointing night nationwide. Republican Ed Romaine defeated Democrat Dave Calone...
Eight people have been killed after a human smuggler driving a vehicle packed with illegal migrants hit an oncoming SUV while attempting to evade police in Texas, authorities say. Texas Department of Public Safety officials say a smuggler was fleeing...
New York City Mayor Eric Adams said he has hired a private attorney, after the home of a top fundraiser for the mayor was raided by the FBI last week. The FBI searched the home of Brianna Suggs, a 25-year-old...


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